Join my exclusive 8-week small group coaching program on the cerebellum, visual and vestibular systems for coaches, trainers and therapists. Level up your toolkit with the why, what and how of neuroperformance training so you can accelerate change for your athletes!

If you’re interested to join the next time it’s offered, enter your info below to make sure you don’t miss it.

Why I created this program

Together, the cerebellum, vestibular and visual systems can be the keys to unlocking better performance, whether that’s finding more flexibility, better balance, more power and speed, or relieving a stiff back. Or all of the above.

I assess and train these areas with every athlete I work with because they’re so efficient and effective in creating change.

The drills can be transformative on their own, but understanding the neuroscience behind them and having confidence around when and how to integrate them will give you tools to unlock and acclererate change for your athletes.


Through this program, you’ll have an in-depth understanding of key principles, how and why to do each drill, and the neuroscience behind them so you can confidently integrate the techniques with your athletes, clients, and yourself.

And see how quickly performance can change by including a brain-first approach.

What You’ll Learn

  • Fundamental concepts behind Neuroperformance Training

  • Basic + a little advanced neuroanatomy so you know why the drills do what they do

  • Why these systems can be the keys to removing obstacles to better performance

  • Essential assessments and clues to identify athletes with imbalances or deficiencies, and how to select specific drills to address them

  • Easy-to-do and teach drills, and how to integrate the drills into practice and daily life to get the change you want

  • How to progress the drills to find the most effective ‘dosage’

  • How to apply the drills to your sport-specific needs

Is this program for you?

While I specialize in working with gymnasts and artistic athletes, I’ve designed it so anyone can benefit:

Coaches, trainers and therapists as well as gymnasts, dancers, artistic and field athletes, who:

  • Are excited about new approaches to old problems

  • Want to dive deeper into the neuroscience of movement and performance

  • Have a hunch that their athlete’s performance roadblocks may be solved with neuroperformance drills

  • Want to learn efficient & effective tools and how to apply them in practice with confidence

  • Want to be on the leading edge of performance coaching


  • Every Monday, I’ll send a reminder email with an outline of what I’ll be covering that week.

  • Every Tuesday, we’ll meet for 60-75 minutes via Zoom (except week 1, when we’ll meet for 90 minutes). The calls start at 10 am PT, and  each week, I’ll teach concepts, anatomy, assessments and key drills for each system. We’ll have time for Q & A and I’ll stay on the call for as long as it takes to answer all of your questions. There are 8 calls total

  • The majority of each session will be spent on practicing the drills and assessments. I want to make sure you’re 100% comfortable doing and teaching the drills and feel the changes yourself.

  • I’ll send the slides and recording out within 24 hours so you’ll have a full description of everything we covered the day before.

  • You’ll have full access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions that come up as you’re doing or teaching the drills. I’ll be checking it daily to answer any burning questions, and you can also use the group to compare notes and share wins.


Week 1: Neuro Fundamentals: How the brain helps or hinders performance and how we can take advantage of our wiring to create change. Plus the first assessments to do with every athlete and what they can tell you.

Week 2: Introduction to the cerebellum! Anatomy, how it’s involved in movement, how to stimulate it, and assessments to figure out who needs cerebellar drills.  

Week 3: The neurology of movement and more essential drills for the cerebellum.

Week 4: Introduction to the vestibular system, our performance secret weapon. Anatomy, it’s role in movement, balance and stability. An essential assessment that doubles as a performance drill, and all of the ways to advance it.

Week 5: How to dose the drills: How many, how often, how long should anyone do them? Plus more vestibular anatomy and drills.

Week 6: Vision and the neural hierarchy: Why to train eyes. Critical visual skills required for sports, and how to assess core competencies. 

Week 7: The connection between our eyes, movement and muscle tone. How to take advantage of powerful pathways to make things easier! Plus more drills to assess and develop vital visual skills. 

Week 8: Integrating, customizing and advancing drills: How to ‘stack’ drills to progress the difficulty and how cranial nerves can add even more to any drill.

Meet Your Instructor

Yuka Sugiura, Neuroperformance Coach

I teach athletes and coaches how to activate the brain to boost all aspects of performance, to accelerate learning and recovery, and to reduce pain.

One of the great benefits of this approach — apart from reactions of surprise at the changes (“Wait, what just happened???”) — is that the same drill can be a performance enhancer as well as a pain reliever. How? Because the brain is in charge of both! 

I love teaching and coaching. I’ve been fortunate to work with athletes from recreational levels to members of World and Olympic teams, elite competitive dancers, and have presented to sports medicine staff at D1 NCAA programs and at USA Gymnastics National Congress.

And I’m excited to share this leading-edge approach with YOU!

The power of intentionally including the brain in training…

“One of my athletes has been hurdling crooked in his double mini trampoline mount (which will make you hit the side of the double mini trampoline or go off entirely) and had been having trouble maintaining control in his trampoline routines. He does vestibular exercises in every training warm up, and then again for podium trainings throughout competition. The drastic improvement in his balance and air awareness in such a short amount of time is incredible!”

— Liz Aceto, Tumbling & Trampoline Coach

”I love learning from Yuka. She has a way of making complicated concepts seem simple to learn. She always teaches things to be very applicable, and I’ve learned tools from her that I use everyday with athletes. ”

— Brandi Smith, PT, FAAOMPT

”I love the idea of getting quick results in specific things just by adjusting a few drills into my training. It was already so helpful and I tried a couple of your drills with my students. The results were awesome!”

— Nadine Steinert, Dancer and Dance Instructor

Before & After

You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers

  • The first call is Tuesday, September 10 at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET / 5 pm GMT. The initial session will be 90 minutes; after that, plan on 60-75 minutes. There are 8 calls.

  • YES; I'll send everyone a link to watch the recording within a day of each session.

  • You'll have lifetime access to the recordings.

  • Nope. This program is for anyone who wants to learn about and take advantage of these powerful areas of the brain. The same drills can benefit athletes in any sport; they're useful for soccer and tennis players, track & field athletes, golfers, weightlifters and more.

  • I know 8 weeks may feel like a big commitment, but as I'll be teaching concepts throughout, and to allow for a little flexibility based on who's attending, I'm offering it as a full program only.

  • Yes. If you're excited about learning more, I want you to be able to attend. Send me an email at info@levelupneuro.io with proof of enrollment.

  • Maybe. While I won't cover specific conditions or diagnoses, my aim is to provide you with tools and principles and guidelines on how to apply them for yourself or the athletes you work with.

  • Yes! If you’re the parent of an athlete or dancer (or neither and you’re just interested in learning), you’re 100% welcome!


Join the community of leading-edge coaches and athletes who are learning how to tap into the power of the brain to change the body.

Join me this fall. Your athletes will thank you!


Got more questions? Email me at
info@levelupneuro.io and I’ll get back to you ASAP.